Post by Jonathan on Mar 31, 2011 7:32:18 GMT 1
(English text follows the Cornish.)
Y feu dyllans a dextow crejyans an dra moyha a roweth pùpprës rag fastya tavosow côwsys Ewrop avell yêthow screfys, rag sampel, catekîs Godhalek an Vyternes Elisabeth (Dulyn 1571), Foirceadul Aithghearr Godhalek Alban (Dineydyn 1652) ha’n Beybel Kembrek (1588). Mater a styr brâs dres ehen veu an kensa dyllans a’n Beybel Sans in kenyver tavas, rag yth yw apert pàn usy an Beybel owth omdhysqwedhes in yêth vëth, an tavas-na dhe vos gwyw dhe dherivas ger Duw. Trailyans Almaynek Luther a’n Beybel (1534) ha Sowsnek Beybel an Mytern Jamys a asas mark fast wàr yêth an dhew bow.
Yth eson ny i’n tor’-ma worth agas pesy dhe dhanvon ragpren may hallowgh cafos an kensa cowl-drailyans Kernowek a’n Beybel Sans bythqweth a veu, hag indella gwil gweres dhe’n dasserghyans Kernowek. An lyver a vëdh dyllys gans Evertype, Conteth Mayo, Wordhen ha scodhys gans Cowethas Peran Sans, Lulyn.
An Beybel yw trailys gans an Pendescador Nicholas Williams, an trailyor Kernowek moyha y hanow i’n present termyn. An kenscrîf a’y drailyans a veu grôndys wàr an textow gwredhek hag y feu comparys gans versyons erel. Wosa hedna an scrîf a veu rës dhe Gernowegoryon dhâ, neb a gomendyas amendyansow hag indella gwil an trailyans moy êsy dhe redya. Nena an trailyor a sarchyas oll an textow in Kernowek Cres hag in Kernowek Adhewedhes—gwariow merkyl, homylys ha darnow mes a’n scryptour—rag cafos devydnow a’n Beybel in Kernowek teythyak a alsa bos ûsys in y drailyans y honen. Darnow a’n par-na in mes a’n textow re beu gorrys in kenyver tyller possybyl dres an Beybel, hag ymowns y ow qwil an trailyans dhe voy warrantus. Mar bell dell yll bos henwyn personek ha henwyn tyleryow i’n trailyans-ma yw an henwyn poran a gefyr i’n textow tradycyonal.
Yth eson ny worth agas pesy dhe wil ragpren a sùm inter £50.00 ha £500.00 rag agan gweres dhe dylly costow an Beybel. Y fëdh kenyver ragpren aswonys gans grassow i’n lyver. Y fëdh ino Rol an Ragprenoryon rag an re-na a rolla £50.00 ha Rol an Vasoberoryon rag an re-na a garsa ry moy. Heb mar pùb ragprenor ha masoberor a gav copy a’n lyver.
An lyver a vëdh pryntys in dyw goloven war folednow 130mm adreus ha 190mm wàr nans (7" x 10") in fâss olow a vëdh êsy dhe’n lagasow. Y fëdh mappys a’n Pow Sans in termynyow an Beybel i’n lyver kefrës hag a Viajys Powl Sans adro dhe’n Cresvor. An henwyn tyleryow wàr an mappys a vëdh in Kernowek yn tien.
Yth eson ny ow cresy y fëdh an kensa dyllans bythqweth a’n Beybel Kernowek mater a sygnyfycacyon brâs in whedhel an tavas Kernowek hag y whra efanhe ertach Cristyon an powyow Keltek inwedh.
Y hyllyr danvon checkednow in pensow sterlyn, taladow dhe “Evertype”, bys i’n Revront Andy Phillips, Cowethas Peran Sans, 1 Orchard House, Orchard Place, Newlyn, Penzance, TR18 5BG, pò y hyllyr danvon checkednow in mona ken ès pensow sterlyn, taladow dhe “Evertype”, dhe Evertype, Cnoc Sceichín, Leac an Anfa, Cathair na Mart, Co. Mhaigh Eo, Éire/Wordhen. Y hyllyr gwil ragpren inwedh dre PayPal dhe Y codhvia gwil pùb ragpren kyns ès Sadorn 1 Me 2011. Ny a bës kenyver ragprenor dhe screfa y hanow yn tyblans may fo va dysqwedhys i’n lyver heb fowt vëth, ha dhe screfa y drigva yn tyblans kefrës, may halla y gopy a’n Beybel y dhrehedhes heb meschauns.
Michael Everson (Evertype, dyllor)
Revront Andrew Phillips (Cowethas Perans Sans)
The single most important factor in the establishment of modern written vernaculars in Europe was the publication of religious texts, for example, Queen Elizabeth’s Irish catechism (Dublin 1571), Foirceadul Aithghearr in Scottish Gaelic (Edinburgh 1652) and the Welsh Bible (1588). The publication of the Holy Bible has always been of crucial importance to any language, since a translation of the Bible is manifest proof that a language is worthy to express the word of God. Luther’s German version of the Bible (1534) and the English of the King James Version (1611) have both left an indelible mark on their respective languages.
We now ask you to subscribe to the publication of the first complete Bible in Cornish and thus to assist the Cornish revival. The book, published by Evertype of Co. Mayo in Ireland, is sponsored by Cowethas Peran Sans of Newlyn. An Beybel Sans is written in Standard Cornish.
The translator of the Bible is Professor Nicholas Williams, the foremost present-day translator of Cornish. The first draft of his translation was based on the original texts together with a collation of several other versions. Next the draft was reviewed by a number of competent Cornish speakers, whose comments helped improve the readability of the translation. Thereafter the translator searched the Middle and Late Cornish texts—miracle plays, homilies, and portions of scripture, to find all those passages where native Cornish renderings could be used in the translation. Such passages by speakers of traditional Cornish have been incorporated throughout the Cornish Bible, and add to its authenticity. Wherever possible, personal and geographical names are those attested in traditional Cornish.
We are now asking for contributions of £50.00 to £500.00 to help cover the costs of this project. All contributions will be gratefully acknowledged: the book will contain a list of subscribers (Rol An Ragprenoryon) for those who donate £50, and a list of benefactors (Rol an Vasoberoryon) for those who wish to donate more. Contributors will of course also receive a copy of the book.
The book will be set in two columns on pages measuring 130mm x 190mm (7" x 10") in a typeface suitable for easy reading. Maps of the Holy Land in Biblical times and St Paul’s journeys in the Mediterranean will accompany the text, with place-names given in Cornish.
We believe publication of the first Cornish Bible will be a very significant moment in the history of the Cornish language, and indeed will enhance the Christian tradition of the Celtic countries.
Contributions can be made by cheque in pounds sterling, payable to “Evertype” to Andy Phillips (Cowethas Peran Sans, 1 Orchard House, Orchard Place, Newlyn, Penzance, TR18 5BG), or in other currencies by cheque paid to “Evertype” (Cnoc Sceichín, Leac an Anfa, Cathair na Mart, Co. Mhaigh Eo, Éire). Subscriptions can also be made by PayPal to Contributions should be received by Saturday 1st May 2011. Each contributor is requested to give his or her name (clearly written so that it may appear without error in the book) and his or her address (also clearly written, so that the Bible may arrive safely at its destination).
Michael Everson (Evertype, publisher)
Reverend Andrew Philips (Cowethas Peran Sans/Society of St Piran)
Y feu dyllans a dextow crejyans an dra moyha a roweth pùpprës rag fastya tavosow côwsys Ewrop avell yêthow screfys, rag sampel, catekîs Godhalek an Vyternes Elisabeth (Dulyn 1571), Foirceadul Aithghearr Godhalek Alban (Dineydyn 1652) ha’n Beybel Kembrek (1588). Mater a styr brâs dres ehen veu an kensa dyllans a’n Beybel Sans in kenyver tavas, rag yth yw apert pàn usy an Beybel owth omdhysqwedhes in yêth vëth, an tavas-na dhe vos gwyw dhe dherivas ger Duw. Trailyans Almaynek Luther a’n Beybel (1534) ha Sowsnek Beybel an Mytern Jamys a asas mark fast wàr yêth an dhew bow.
Yth eson ny i’n tor’-ma worth agas pesy dhe dhanvon ragpren may hallowgh cafos an kensa cowl-drailyans Kernowek a’n Beybel Sans bythqweth a veu, hag indella gwil gweres dhe’n dasserghyans Kernowek. An lyver a vëdh dyllys gans Evertype, Conteth Mayo, Wordhen ha scodhys gans Cowethas Peran Sans, Lulyn.
An Beybel yw trailys gans an Pendescador Nicholas Williams, an trailyor Kernowek moyha y hanow i’n present termyn. An kenscrîf a’y drailyans a veu grôndys wàr an textow gwredhek hag y feu comparys gans versyons erel. Wosa hedna an scrîf a veu rës dhe Gernowegoryon dhâ, neb a gomendyas amendyansow hag indella gwil an trailyans moy êsy dhe redya. Nena an trailyor a sarchyas oll an textow in Kernowek Cres hag in Kernowek Adhewedhes—gwariow merkyl, homylys ha darnow mes a’n scryptour—rag cafos devydnow a’n Beybel in Kernowek teythyak a alsa bos ûsys in y drailyans y honen. Darnow a’n par-na in mes a’n textow re beu gorrys in kenyver tyller possybyl dres an Beybel, hag ymowns y ow qwil an trailyans dhe voy warrantus. Mar bell dell yll bos henwyn personek ha henwyn tyleryow i’n trailyans-ma yw an henwyn poran a gefyr i’n textow tradycyonal.
Yth eson ny worth agas pesy dhe wil ragpren a sùm inter £50.00 ha £500.00 rag agan gweres dhe dylly costow an Beybel. Y fëdh kenyver ragpren aswonys gans grassow i’n lyver. Y fëdh ino Rol an Ragprenoryon rag an re-na a rolla £50.00 ha Rol an Vasoberoryon rag an re-na a garsa ry moy. Heb mar pùb ragprenor ha masoberor a gav copy a’n lyver.
An lyver a vëdh pryntys in dyw goloven war folednow 130mm adreus ha 190mm wàr nans (7" x 10") in fâss olow a vëdh êsy dhe’n lagasow. Y fëdh mappys a’n Pow Sans in termynyow an Beybel i’n lyver kefrës hag a Viajys Powl Sans adro dhe’n Cresvor. An henwyn tyleryow wàr an mappys a vëdh in Kernowek yn tien.
Yth eson ny ow cresy y fëdh an kensa dyllans bythqweth a’n Beybel Kernowek mater a sygnyfycacyon brâs in whedhel an tavas Kernowek hag y whra efanhe ertach Cristyon an powyow Keltek inwedh.
Y hyllyr danvon checkednow in pensow sterlyn, taladow dhe “Evertype”, bys i’n Revront Andy Phillips, Cowethas Peran Sans, 1 Orchard House, Orchard Place, Newlyn, Penzance, TR18 5BG, pò y hyllyr danvon checkednow in mona ken ès pensow sterlyn, taladow dhe “Evertype”, dhe Evertype, Cnoc Sceichín, Leac an Anfa, Cathair na Mart, Co. Mhaigh Eo, Éire/Wordhen. Y hyllyr gwil ragpren inwedh dre PayPal dhe Y codhvia gwil pùb ragpren kyns ès Sadorn 1 Me 2011. Ny a bës kenyver ragprenor dhe screfa y hanow yn tyblans may fo va dysqwedhys i’n lyver heb fowt vëth, ha dhe screfa y drigva yn tyblans kefrës, may halla y gopy a’n Beybel y dhrehedhes heb meschauns.
Michael Everson (Evertype, dyllor)
Revront Andrew Phillips (Cowethas Perans Sans)
The single most important factor in the establishment of modern written vernaculars in Europe was the publication of religious texts, for example, Queen Elizabeth’s Irish catechism (Dublin 1571), Foirceadul Aithghearr in Scottish Gaelic (Edinburgh 1652) and the Welsh Bible (1588). The publication of the Holy Bible has always been of crucial importance to any language, since a translation of the Bible is manifest proof that a language is worthy to express the word of God. Luther’s German version of the Bible (1534) and the English of the King James Version (1611) have both left an indelible mark on their respective languages.
We now ask you to subscribe to the publication of the first complete Bible in Cornish and thus to assist the Cornish revival. The book, published by Evertype of Co. Mayo in Ireland, is sponsored by Cowethas Peran Sans of Newlyn. An Beybel Sans is written in Standard Cornish.
The translator of the Bible is Professor Nicholas Williams, the foremost present-day translator of Cornish. The first draft of his translation was based on the original texts together with a collation of several other versions. Next the draft was reviewed by a number of competent Cornish speakers, whose comments helped improve the readability of the translation. Thereafter the translator searched the Middle and Late Cornish texts—miracle plays, homilies, and portions of scripture, to find all those passages where native Cornish renderings could be used in the translation. Such passages by speakers of traditional Cornish have been incorporated throughout the Cornish Bible, and add to its authenticity. Wherever possible, personal and geographical names are those attested in traditional Cornish.
We are now asking for contributions of £50.00 to £500.00 to help cover the costs of this project. All contributions will be gratefully acknowledged: the book will contain a list of subscribers (Rol An Ragprenoryon) for those who donate £50, and a list of benefactors (Rol an Vasoberoryon) for those who wish to donate more. Contributors will of course also receive a copy of the book.
The book will be set in two columns on pages measuring 130mm x 190mm (7" x 10") in a typeface suitable for easy reading. Maps of the Holy Land in Biblical times and St Paul’s journeys in the Mediterranean will accompany the text, with place-names given in Cornish.
We believe publication of the first Cornish Bible will be a very significant moment in the history of the Cornish language, and indeed will enhance the Christian tradition of the Celtic countries.
Contributions can be made by cheque in pounds sterling, payable to “Evertype” to Andy Phillips (Cowethas Peran Sans, 1 Orchard House, Orchard Place, Newlyn, Penzance, TR18 5BG), or in other currencies by cheque paid to “Evertype” (Cnoc Sceichín, Leac an Anfa, Cathair na Mart, Co. Mhaigh Eo, Éire). Subscriptions can also be made by PayPal to Contributions should be received by Saturday 1st May 2011. Each contributor is requested to give his or her name (clearly written so that it may appear without error in the book) and his or her address (also clearly written, so that the Bible may arrive safely at its destination).
Michael Everson (Evertype, publisher)
Reverend Andrew Philips (Cowethas Peran Sans/Society of St Piran)